Integral to our vision and mission is ministry teams.
We endeavor to see every member serving on a ministry team. Level Ground implements five ministry teams, each one addressing an area of discipleship. These five teams are Worship, Equip, Care, Finance, and Outreach. The teams are designed to work in harmony with each other, developing mature and complete disciples in the body.

(Romans 12:1)
To oversee the worship ministries at L.G.C.C.
Implement worship strategy for L.G.C.C.; not limited to Sunday mornings
Create a worshipful atmosphere through song, drama, and physical settings
Oversee and advise on worship services
Advise the pastoral team on preaching topics
Develop and oversee the prayer ministries of L.G.C.C.
Thursday Evening Prayer
Prayer Walks
Prayer Chain
Other prayer ministries
Oversee arts and creative/decorative team members. Oversee dancers and drama skits
“Praise and Worship” organization

(Matthew 5:14-16; 2 Timothy 2:2)
To develop and oversee the nurture of children, youth, and adults
Implement a nurture (discipleship) strategy for the church
To advise on L.G.C.C. Classes
101- Membership Class (Who we are/What we believe?)
201- Growth and discipleship class/group (Foundations of Christianity)
301- Spiritual Gifts/ placement (How to use your gifts in the body)
To oversee Youth gatherings
Direction on Curriculum
Recruit and train teachers
To oversee Youth ministries
Develop youth ministry strategy
Recruit and train volunteers
Oversee Adult ministries
To develop an overall strategy of adult nurture
Oversee Adult or Men’s and Women’s Bible Study

(Romans 12:13; 1 Peter 4:9)
Develop and oversee the caring ministries of L.G.C.C.
Implement a caring strategy for Level Ground Community Church
Develop strategy to keep in touch with members
Hospital and home visits for sick and shut-in members
Oversee and direct Potluck Sundays and all fellowship activity needs (special services, funerals, weddings and other receptions)
Administer the compassion fund (benevolence) with assistance of Finance and Property team members.
Hospitality team (ushers and greeters)

(Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 1:8)
Develop, implement and oversee the Outreach and Missions ministries of L.G.C.C.
Develop an outreach strategy
Special Events
Outreach programs
Training in evangelism
Monthly evangelistic outreaches
Develop a missions strategy
Education program on missions
Policy on the support of missionaries
Short-term missions strategy based on an overall philosophy of missions -
Oversee yearly missions conference
Oversee incoming mission teams
Oversee outgoing mission teams (from our church)

(Psalm 24:1, Matthew 24:45-47)
Develop, implement and oversee the finances and property of L.G.C.C.
Develop and oversee the budget of L.G.C.C.
Develop, implement and oversee the outside funding of the church
Oversee the collection and deposit of all funds
Oversee the care and purchase of equipment
Advise the church on property acquisition
Maintenance of church space