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We seek to be a thriving example of the power of God; agents of Jesus Christ fostering transformation in people, places, and systems.
When the Gospel comes, things change. Not only do individuals experience a transformed life, but communities and systems are affected as well. We desire to be a community of Christ followers who serve faithfully, love wholeheartedly, and lead boldly. Only God can bring abiding change, and we seek to be His agents in our community.
We engage all people with the Gospel to make disciples for the glory of God.
We do this by living, working, and serving in our neighborhood and city. Our desire is for men and women to have new life by placing their faith in Jesus and to mature as his disciples. As each disciple matures, they grow in leadership ability. Disciples are developed and empowered to become visionary leaders within the body of Christ.

Integral to our vision and mission is ministry teams. We endeavor to see every member serving on a ministry team. Level Ground implements five ministry teams, each one addressing an area of discipleship. These five teams are Worship, Equip, Care, Finance, and Outreach. The teams are designed to work in harmony with each other, developing mature and complete disciples in the body.
We value the Worship of God, the People of God, and the Mission of God. Our values come from the Great Commandments (Mark 12:29-31) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). We desire to see followers of Christ love God, love others, and make more disciples.

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